April 08, 2020

April 08, 2020

Susquehanna’s community has rallied to support students during the COVID-19 pandemic through its Students Care Fund, which supports students who experience significant or unexpected financial need.

The fund, administered by the Office of Student Life, ensures that the full Susquehanna experience is afforded to all students by making funding available that goes above and beyond a student’s standard financial aid package. Some examples of requests that could be funded include textbooks, meals, transportation to and from home and campus, pre-orientation summer activities or the initial fee to join a fraternity or sorority.

Alumni, parents, faculty, staff and friends of the university answered a call in December, on Giving Tuesday, and together contributed more than $12,000 to the Student Care Fund. They answered the call again in March during Susquehanna’s annual Day of Giving, OneSU, and more than 40 donors have made gifts since – helping grow the Student Care Fund to the largest it has ever been. In total, 234 donors have contributed more than $20,000 to the Student Care Fund since last December.

The Student Care Fund has proven invaluable as Susquehanna responds to the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring that our students are able to finish their academic semester, can retain a semblance of normalcy, and most importantly, are being fed and cared for.

Most recently, the fund has helped students acquire the materials and technology, such as laptops or personal hotspots, needed to transition to remote online learning.

The Student Care Fund also provided grocery gift cards to students who experience food insecurity at home, and helped to stock a campus food pantry with snacks and other items for students who have remained on campus to use outside of campus dining hours. If arrangements had to be made hastily, the Student Care Fund paid for gas cards for students who could not afford last-minute travel.

You can learn more about the Student Care Fund, here.